Oil In The Clothes

Oil consumption today is exceeding the limits of which we can produce it. The oil crisis is on a global level and effects everyone.

This work has been made to as a protest, and aims to create awareness to the severity of this crisis.

Like the connotation of blood in a “Blood Diamond”, my work reflects that, and aims towards fashion.

Have you ever thought how much oil you wear?

Oil_In_The_Clothes Oil_In_The_Clothes Oil_In_The_Clothes

About elliotmunns

Fashion photography is my world, a world where we are constantly bombarded, through the media, with imagery of every description. I try to capture the visual excitement that my imagination generates and hope that I can bring a real sense of originality to my work, incorporating classic imagery of the past to develop a new view of fashion that re-invents and pushes the boundaries of fashion imagery. I try to explore our individuality and self expression and use it to open sensory realms in which we feel free to express our selves visually. My passion for fashion photography developed from a young age, seeing and experiencing how clothes bring change in people, how the very act of wearing clothes could make them feel more confident, even more attractive. This is a feeling that everybody wants to have and my purpose as a photographer is to explore that desire. And that’s simply why I am a fashion photographer. Elliot Munns

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